Once again, really difficult to select the winners, the quality was really high. Thank you very much to all the participants.
The winners are:
- Adam Háyek
- Dustin Rogers
- Tom Rantala
- Guillermo Ruiz Campos
Hi there!
I’ve just received 4 new invites to Dribbble! And I want to share them with some good designers. If you want to apply, you just need to follow these steps:
- 1. Post a comment with an URL to some of your best designs.
- 2. Follow me on Twitter, that’s where I’ll announce the winner.
- 3. Send a Tweet that says: Dribbble invites giveaway by @javilop — http://tinyurl.com/c987tug #giveaway #dribbble #invites
- 4. If you are kind enough to share this article of mine in Twitter I’ll be very grateful too, but is not a must.
I hope I’ll be receiving some great stuff from all you 🙂
Do your best!
PS: don’t apply if you are already a player in Dribbble, I mean, I will give the invitation only to new designers.

Some of my best designs, as requested: http://www.domestika.org/portfolios/ahe
Good luck to me!
Some of my design are here in my behance portfolio http://be.net/rsthdn
Here’s some of my work: http://www.meom.fi/tyot
Thanks mate for the opportunity!
My web/blog
Other project (for weblogssl):
Here’s my work – http;//ryanburnett.com
Thanks for your consideration.
Hi mr. López 🙂 … As requested some of my latest and best designs: http://www.behance.net/gallery/UI-Design-Sportivation-app/8293009
Best regards, Nicklas Pape
One of my latest designs:
Visit my work here.. http://be.net/ardzyn
My dabblings!
there are some examples of my latest work 🙂
Weather app (of course): http://cl.ly/image/1V433S0B3D1P
Shared photo album app: http://cl.ly/image/2t1d3v1i4529
New icons: http://cl.ly/image/243D081U3B0C
I hope you will like my work and possibly invite me 🙂
Thank you
Hey mate, please check some of my work here http://mousedesignhouse.tumblr.com/ . Thank You for Your time !
Here’s my work. Thanks friend!
Hope you like! http://laracremon.com/
Twitter: @micafe
A little bit of my work http://www.behance.net/micafe
My Dribbble Prospect http://dribbble.com/micafe
Thanks for see my work.
Hi! Here you can see some of our works: http://d2d.co/s Thanks
also please visit: valentinrosciano.com,
Sorry i forgot my dribbble!! http://dribbble.com/valentinico
Thank you for this opportunity: http://www.guillermoruizcampos.com